Newbie Guide

Created: 16 November 2023, 10:43:28 EST
Last updated: 9 September 2024, 14:21:57 EDT



There are some terms thrown around on the site that some newcomers may be unfamiliar with!

  • MYO slot - "Make your own" slot. This is an item that allows you to design a character and have it officially added to the website.
    • Also known as a "Character Slot".

  • FTO - "First Time Owner". Any user who has never owned a character from our species.

  • UC and R - Uncommon Traits and Rare Traits

  • DP, DS, PC, BH, SS, CC, and CS - DNA Points, Darkened Seals, PineCones, Bleeding Hearts, Sea Shells, Crystal Coins, and Crystal Shards are all currencies in Corceïs