02 • Even though this is a 15+ community due to sensitive topics being included within the species, please do spoiler/warn when discussing/portraying those topics.
03 • Avoid topics that may cause discomfort to members (mental health, drama, politics, etc) in public channels on Discord. If done for character writing, please spoil, and if the topic gets too deep, the parties that wish to continue the topic must continue in DMS.
04 • Use the correct channels on Discord.
09 • The use of swear words on Discord is allowed but heavily discouraged.
10 • Ask for permission before drawing/writing about someone else character.
11 • If you have won a giveaway for the current month, you will not be allowed to join a giveaway until the next month.
12 • No passive-aggressive behavior, including guilt tripping and not respecting boundaries set by members.
13 • To access the adult channels on Discord, we require a photo of your ID or any document that can prove your age along with your Discord name written beside it.
14 • To guarantee the safety of our community, we will not allow any sort of advertisement (character sales, art, literature, etc) of the communities listed below.
- Kebanzu & Renfair ARPG Closed Species/ Untamed the game (Same owner)
- You can learn more at our Discord Server.
(If you believe a community should be included to this list, feel free to contact the staff and provide proof!)
- Discord (General-Help forum or Tickets)
- Lorekeeper Reports.
17 • Do not argue with staff (moderators or admins) over decisions they have made within the species, this includes venting to other members of the staff that may feel uncomfortable.
19 • Avoid leaving negative comments/reactions to posts, members can always voice how they feel about certain updates at the feedback channel, so that staff members can more effectively discuss on why such changes were needed. (This action will result in an official warning, of course members will be allowed to prove if the reaction/comment was not ill-intentioned.)
Art Related
20 • Only 5 wips daily can be shared on the Discord server.
21 • NFT and AI are not welcome here.
22 • Hate speech of any type is not tolerated.
23 • Art theft/tracing without permission won't be tolerated if the said artist doesn't inform beforehand you can.
24 • When using a base, always credit the artist.
25 • Artists may accept as payment but do not harass or offer
to artists for their art unless their ad specifically states they take as payment.
26 • Members are allowed to donate works made by them (art, literature, etc) to the Lorekeeper in #art-donation ! However, it is not guaranteed that all submitted works will be featured due to multiple reasons. We mainly accept:
- Content for books (literature and art)
- Emojis
- Banners
27 • Unless previously discussed, Art trades should be a trade of similar pieces. (Such as a fullbody for a fullbody) Please be sure to thoroughly discuss all art trades so as not to confuse.
28 • Artistic nudity is permitted in public channels; however, it must be censored and posted with a warning that no genitalia can be present or too suggestive.
29 • Do not disturb artists you have commissioned/traded; as human beings, we have a life outside art; unless the deadline is met; you may come to the staff if the artist hasn't sent any update.
30 • (Discord) If you wish to post art on #wips #general-art and/or #postinen-art-🖌 , make sure to comment/react positively on the previous drawing sent before posting your own (even if someone has already commented/reacted, however, if the image is spoiled and you don't feel comfortable with the topic illustrated on it, you may ignore this rule and move on).
31 • No sort of romantic art, be it NSFW, soft shipping, etc, may be shared featuring different forms of corceïs (Example. Faun x Feral forms) as this is too close to questionable content, it includes all sorts of works shared in our community and outside.
32 • NSFW content of corceïs is allowed following the requirements:
- In no way or form can you depict the feral form in this sort of content.
- You may ensure that no minors have access to it.
- Must not encourage toxic behavior, romanticize abuse, etc.
- All characters portrayed must be canonically adults.
myos / designs
34 • Fan designs are allowed; however, they cannot be a copy of the original character (unless you own them), you may inform when submitting a MYO slot if they are a fan design.
35 • Cors can have multiple versions that do not require to be linked to the cor version; however, in case of selling, trading, etc, if the designs are too similar, it will be requested you make changes to the existing cor version or the other versions.
36 • You may work on multiple unofficial designs simultaneously; however, avoid posting much about them until you submit them.
37 • Only official cors may be used in events, prompts, etc.
38 • Cors can have multiple "skins"; however, the base traits (horn, texture, eyes, glands, ears, hooves and tails.) must remain the same in all skins, and only spells and color may change.
39 • Do not use official bases for profit unless Nuclearlolly grants permission.
40 • In case one is banned, their design will be deleted and turned into an MYO slot so that they can sell if one has a sale value, or if they wish to keep the design, they will have to make enough changes to not count as a corceïs or any other species of our ARPG, that can be discussed in DMS.
41 • Outside official characters, only WIPs of characters soon to be made official may be shared in public spaces; otherwise, they may only be shared in our Discord server forum "General-Help." If you seek validation about the anatomy, non-official characters must not be shared in the community.
42 • Members are allowed to hand designs (official or non-official) to the staff to be used in official giveaways! For non-official designs, however, the max the person can add up to $10 in UC/R traits, 15x of each currency; MYO slot is not required. However, no official F2U bases can be used, and the member must be familiar with the cor anatomy.
44 • Members cannot use edit tokens to change UC or R traits that came with the Pairing Slot MYO, only being able to replace them with Common Traits or, if you apply a new trait token to replace it.
45 • Do not submit designs that clearly will not be accepted to "try" the staff, most of the work is voluntary, if you are unsure you can always reach out in Discord before submitting, designs will not be accepted if they don't clearly follow the anatomy guide of the species.
46 • Users have 1 Month to design and submit Voided MYO slots received from raffles.
sales / customs
48 • Unnoficial MYOs cannot be sold or traded. However, they can be gifted.

- Members may first go through the process of approving a character if they wish for it to be sold for currency.
50 • MYO slots gotten via Pairing hold no resale value within the Masterlist.
51 • Members are not forced to sell their Postinen characters for the value set in the Masterlist. However, the Masterlist will display how much was spent to create such a character.
55 • Prompts can only be done a certain amount of times per character:
- Mini Prompts can be done once per character monthly.
- Seasonal Prompts can be done once per character yearly.
- Prompts like the Welcome Quests and New Faces can only be done once per character.
56 • You must acquire permission before adding characters you do not own in your prompts.
57 • Your cor has to be the main focus of the prompt.
58 • If you do not own a cor, you may use Gabe.
59 • Certain prompts (Such as Family Ties) allow you to use non-official cor designs. However, you will not be rewarded for them.
60 • Bases cannot be used for prompts, this includes: Tracing over art (yours or other artists), using the same pose too many times with very minor changes, etc. Each prompt must have a unique art.
Usage Rights
62 • In case of a ban, if you wish to keep your corceïs design, you can only keep a design you made, bought, or traded for.
63 • Only designs officially owned by you can be sold commercially.
64 • No characters created for our species will be allowed to be used for any transphobic, homophobic, racist, xenophobic, etc., type content; if it is spotted, it will result in an instant ban unless proven as a misunderstanding.
We, as an independent project, are open to affiliations with projects of the same nature! If you wish to affiliate with us, please apply directly on lorekeeper.
Warnings and Strikes
• A strike is for a definite and clear rule break. • 3 strikes will result in a ban from the community/site/species |
• Strikes and warnings can be removed after long periods if the transgression isn't committed again.
( Strikes: 6 months)
(Warnings: 2 months)
• If one is banned, their characters will be voided or sold before leaving the server to ensure no financial loss.
• Warnings and strikes can be applied as the staff sees fit, even if they don't directly break any of the above rules but still present a possible threat to the community.