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In this area, you can cultivate All seeds.
You can click on the items to learn where you can obtain them.
Items needed :
- Greenhouse Area
- Seeds (any kind)
- Trowel (any kind)
To unlock an area, you will need to earn the related exploration item!

In this area, you can produce Milk.
You can click on the items to learn where you can obtain them.
Items needed:
- Stable Area
- Bucket
- Milking Cups
To unlock an area, you will need to earn the related exploration item!

Pixin Coop
In this area, you can produce Pixin Eggs.
You can click on the items to learn where you can obtain them.
Items needed:
- Pixin Coop Area
- Pixin Bedding
- Pixin Food
To unlock an area, you will need to earn the related exploration item!

Bee Hive
In this area, you can cultivate Sparkling Honey.
You can click on the items to learn where you can obtain them.
Items needed:
- Bee Hive Area
- Bee Colony
- Smoker
To unlock an area, you will need to earn the related exploration item!

In this area, you can cultivate All kinds of fish.
You can click on the items to learn where you can obtain them.
Items needed:
- Aquarium Area
- Algae Eel Eggs / Spotted Sardine Eggs
- Eel Food / Sardine Food
To unlock an area, you will need to earn the related exploration item!

In this area, you can cultivate All insects.
You can click on the items to learn where you can obtain them.
Items needed:
- Insectarium Area
- Crickafruit Eggs/ Larva Eggs
- Lettuce / Vegetable
To unlock an area, you will need to earn the related exploration item!

Mutation Laboratory
In this area, you can cultivate Mutation Shots.
You can click on the items to learn where you can obtain them.
Items needed:
- Laboratory Access Card
- Flask
- Unknown substance
To unlock an area, you will need to earn the related exploration item!