Site News
Trinket Shop + Gacha System
Posted 7 months and 1 week ago :: Last edited 6 months and 4 weeks ago by NuclearlollyNew Faces + Updates
Posted 7 months and 18 hours ago :: Last edited 6 months and 4 weeks ago by NuclearlollyNew NPCs
I am happy to announce we have two new NPCs, meet: Sasha and Colt!
With the addition of both new npcs, a few new functions have been added:
- 2x New Plushies (If you have already finished the collection you cannot reclaim the reward).
- 1x New Prompt, The Cherry Casino!
- 2x new Cutscenes, at the Cherry Casino prompt AND Cultivation Prompt!
- Upon completing the Cultivation prompt, users will receive access to the following areas: Bee Hive, Greenhouse, Stable and Pixin Coop.
800 Cors celebration!
To celebrate we have reached 800 official cors, starting now every friend you invite, that joins the lorekeeper, you will be rewarded 1x Rare trait + 1 MYO slot per friend invited. All they gotta do is refer to you upon registering! You also get the Sharing Around Award. BUT, this event ends Sunday! After that the referring reward will go back to 1UC.
3000 seastar goal surpassed!
Jesus christ you guys have surpassed another goal! Because of that, participants can claim 1 "free" UC trait at their team's respective shop. Our next goal now is 5000 seastars!
And it seems like seafoam is still on the lead! But stardust is catching up, reminding that the winning team will receive 1 Rare Trait for "free" to each member!
Minor Updates
- Metallic Eyes has been added to the Modification Shop
- The Art help channel has been turned into a Forum.
We are working on a few new mechanics... They may take a bit long to get done (our amazing coder, @SUPERCOOL , has been taking a break for his own health, consider supporting him on his ko-fi ), buuut... A small sneak peek:
- New relationship mechanic with NPCs.
- (Possibly) Boss fights.
- New mini games.
- Site improvement.
- Character items and ranks.
- New breeding system
Like always, this is all only possible with the help from the community, if you wish to contribute, consider joining our ko-fi! , though sharing around helps just as much
Updates (07/09/2024)
Posted 7 months and 1 week ago :: Last edited 7 months and 1 week ago by NuclearlollyKo-fi
Two of our tiers have received updates!
- Rare Tier
Now users from the rare tier receive a 5% discount whenever they AB a design from me.
- Premium Tier
Has been raised back to 5 members instead of 3, means currently there are 2 slots open! Members from the premium tier receive a 8% discount whenever they AB a design from me.
New Gacha
A new gacha has been added with 13 new collectibles! Cannäti Pillows, featuring cats from our staff! More may be added in the future, each with different coats
Updates coming soon
While I am on a minor break from cors currently to take care of my queue (today sadly, I had to take a break from comms due to intense pain on my spine, and only now much later I started feeling better), updates are still being worked on! I plan on by the next month, open 2 slots for Guest Artists! This time, the form will be filled directly in our lorekeeper, we will be looking for:
- Artists comfortable with the prices of our auctions (SB of 45usd).
- Active members.
- Willing to assist with assets for lorekeeper whenever they are asked to help.
- Must have a working paypal.
- Good understanding of the cor anatomy.
- Willing to submit designs on a monthly bases (1 monthly design per artist).
Remembering that new Guest Artists are rolled every 4 months now, meaning that during your stay, you will be creating 4 designs to be auctioned, we have decided to raise it from 3 months to 4, and limited it to 1 design instead of 2 monthly due to it putting pressure on the artists. We also plan on updating LK so that it is easier to find our current merch! Speaking of it, we only have 5 remaining Gabe pins! Those might not ever be available again! So make sure to grab one before they disappear!
Monthly Prompt: Artfight + Updates
Posted 7 months and 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 7 months and 2 weeks ago by NuclearlollyArtfight Monthly Prompt
I am happy to announce that Artfight has officially started on corceïs!
- How does this prompt work?
Users will be able to complete this prompt multiple times by submitting the link of an attack or revenge done to another corceïs character when submitting a prompt! By completing this prompt at least once, you get the Artfight 2024 Award.
- How does teams work?
Not only you can choose your team at the Artfight website, but you also can on corceïs (DISCLAIMER: Does not need to be the same team)! By choosing a team, you will receive that team's package which include the team's award and access to that team's shop! Make sure to choose wisely, as once you join a team you cannot leave it!
- How does teams shops work? Why is there a new currency?
Users can use this new currency, Seastars, to buy items at their teams shops! Such as trait tokens, user borders, other kinds of currencies, and of course, raffle tickets to participate on their team's design raffles! Reminding that the more tickets you have, the higher the chances of you winning the design!
- How does the raffle work?
Users can buy the tickets at their respective shops! BUT, they can also get 1x Ticket per friend they manage to invite! All they gotta do is join our lorekeeper! Members will be able to open claims to claim the ticket, of course, you will have to attach proof of being the one responsible for them joining. And do not forget you also get 1UC trait per person that refers to you when registering!
You can submit your cors that are available on artfight at our Discord Server!
Library + New NPC
We have been working very hard on this update, but now the Library is fully functional! The Magic and Lore tabs under World will now send to their own books, written by me, at the Library! We are working on bringing to life many other kinds of books, which @SUPERCOOL is currently working on updating so that books are organized by category (Canon, user submitted, etc)
- Users can now submit books at our Discord Server!
You heard me! Users are free to submit books written by them there, and we may or not add them to the lorekeeper! Users can also attach their characters as the authors of said books!
- Meet Conway! The Library's Bookkeeper!
Conway is a rather closed off guy with a trouble past, my advice? Keep your volume low on his library!
- New prompt!
Users can now do the Callasta Library Prompt! In the future it will be giving access to exclusive books!
- New Books!
Now we count with 4 books in total (one is currently missing the book art), that show a bit of how corceïs society function! We plan on releasing at least other 5 official books this year!
New Cutscenes

Cutscenes have now been added to prompts that feature NPCs! In those cutscenes you can learn a bit more of each NPC and how the day to day life of most cors work, as well as a few lore hints here and there! Cutscenes are available at:
- Welcome to Callasta Quests 1,2 and 3 (Featuring Clem, Lilian and Adrian)
- Callasta library (Featuring Conway)
- Questionable origins (Featuring Caspian)
- Laboratory visit (Featuring Gio)
Weekly Prompt Rewards
Users who submit a certain amount of times to the weekly prompts during the month are now rewarded Token Pieces! You can learn more about it Here
Scenario Idea Generator
We now count with a prompt scene ideas generator! To help users who aren't sure on how to include their character in a prompt! Currently we count with 12 options of ideas that are randomily rolled, but members can always suggest more at Prompt generator ideas ! Hopefully soon we may add an OTP option as well !
Coder's Ko-fi
Our amazing coder, Supercool, who works so hard on helping me with all those big updates now has his own ko-fi! Please consider joining so that he can continue on the amazing work he has done so far
Support us!
Again, all of this is only possible thanks to the funds we make from our ko-fi! So if you wish to contribure, consider joining one of our tiers
Update (06/16/2024)
Posted 8 months and 2 days ago :: Last edited 8 months and 2 days ago by NuclearlollyREMINDER: CLEAN YOUR CACHE! You can clean your cache with Ctrl + Shift + Del commands.
Lorekeeper Logo
Once members clean their cache, you may notice on desktop that a new logo has been added to the banner of the site! For now, our dear Gabe is just a placeholder! As we are hosting a mini contest that ends next week! You can learn more about it here: logo-contest-🏆
Carousel Feature
Now at the home pages, members can see above news extra content in banners that slide to the sides! There we will be displaying about events, big raffles, etc.
When editing the profile of your character, you may come across Pronouns! When you add one, it will appear on their main information above traits!
Minor updates
- Postinen tab has been renamed to Explore Postinen.
- Raffles now appears beside News, whenever a new raffle is up, the tab will show a notification just like News and Sales.
- Affiliates now can apply directly in the lorekeeper!
We have a few quite... Interesting ideas for next month, plus some big updates coming, as well as some new faces around
NPC contest
Also! Don't forget out NPC contest is still up! Due to lack of entries right now (and those would only be added next year), we may extended it! seasonal-contest-🏆
Support us
Reminder that all of that is only possible with the support of the group! you can support us via buying traits or our Ko-fi!
Humanoid Version
Posted 8 months and 6 days ago :: Last edited 8 months and 6 days ago by NuclearlollyNot a big of an update (which, we may have a bigger update to announce this month ) BUT! After reviewing with staff and popular demand, we bring you...
Humanoid Version
Much like the anthro dimension, members can now make official humanoid version of their cors! Or, make a new cor that is just the humanoid version! I may be sooner or later be releasing a FTU base but not sure when You can visit the Anatomy Guide to learn more about this version!
Humanoid versions may have natural colored skins like humans, however, their legs, tails, and ears can be any color due to being covered in fur. They must also have long, sharp nails that remind claws.
Different from the anthro version, Humanoid Version can have biological differences between sexes that are visible (such as a larger chest).
Update (05/27/2024)
Posted 8 months and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 8 months and 3 weeks ago by NuclearlollyShop updates
The items mentioned in #updates-❕ have been removed from the shops, me and the staff are working on the new spells that will be replacing those! In total, we removed nearly 30 spells, and will only be including 4 new spells! Bug wings and Garden wings will fuse some of the spells mentioned in the list into them, making them easier to understand and obtain!
Once the art is complete, we will be updating the characters who had the traits on the list with those new spells, and deleting the old traits!
I'll also be including in the newbie guide, how combining traits can work! I'll be using the art from the deleted spells there as visual examples :blush_cat: !
Pairing Cooldown
The pairing cooldown (pairing between two cors) has been raised to 30 days!
This does not affect the cor themselves, they can still be paired with other cors, just not the same during this period.
New trait
Petal Horn Texture (UC) has been added!
Mutation Laboratory
Now this, is where things get interesting!
First! The laboratory is no longer available for foraging, and below is the reason why:
It has become part of Cultivation!
Members can obtain access to it via completing the Mutation Laboratory prompt at least once! It will grant you a few items, including the **Laboratory Access Card!**
One of the items it grants as well... Is the Unknown Substance!
This item can be used to cultivate a new addition to the Mutation Laboratory... the Mutation Shot! This item raises the chance of passing down mutations to offspring (including pets!)
Speaking of which, it has been lowered to 40% chance, with the Mutation Shot, it raises the chance to 60%!
The mutation laboratory prompt is now it's own prompt, no longer connected to Welcome to Callasta quests.
Wheel of Treasures
Currently, the Unknown Subtance can only be obtained by completing the prompt (grants you 4x) aaand... The Wheel of Treasures! Which has been updated to include it!
Updates (05/14/2024)
Posted 9 months and 3 days ago :: Last edited 9 months and 3 days ago by NuclearlollyMismatched Mutation
The Mismatched Mutation has been added to the Mutation Laboratory! This mutation allows cors to display different traits of the same category (Ears, eyes, tails, hooves, etc), when using this trait, please specify in the trait comments where it has been applied to! If you cor already has this trait, please submit a claim so we can edit the trait list, as they will be given this new mutation for free.
CS for DP
Members can now buy 3cs with 1dp in the token shop!
Cultivated items
Items that have been cultivated will now appear as "item X (Cultivated)", this means those items have a lower sale value than the ones found in the Market!
A few awards now are given automatically! Here's the ones currently given automatically:
- Welcome to Callasta (Given after you finish the last quest)
- Sharing Around (Given when you invite a friend, if you have already invited a friend and have prood, please open a claim so we can give you this award)
- New Faces (Given when you complete the New Faces prompt, also open a claim if needed)
- Spring 2024 (Given when you do any spring prompt, also open a claim if needed)
Meet the NPCs
The links now send to the characters ML profiles!
Updates (05/13/2024)
Posted 9 months and 5 days ago :: Last edited 9 months and 5 days ago by NuclearlollyUpdates (05/08/2024)
Posted 9 months and 1 week ago :: Last edited 9 months and 1 week ago by NuclearlollyAnimated Prompts
I noticed a few members have been submitting animated prompts but were not receiving any sort of extra reward for it, I have decided to add a new breakdown+criteria for animations! You can learn more by checking out the link below:
Seed tag item monthly limit
Items that work as seeds for cultibation now can only be bought 4x times during the month, and they no longer reward seeds after being cultivated.
Their costs have also been raised, so by cultivating you get around 20-30% discount (even higher if the plot you planted rewards you more than one item, most loots can reward up to 3x items that were cultivated.)
This is to avoid too much profiting over cultivation.
NPCs toyhouse
NPCs masterlists now include their TH links! Adrian, Caspian and Robin are currently missing links.